Thursday, 17 December 2015

New Tattoo!

The tattoo is just finished and the photo was taken just before swelling up. 
Finally yesterday I had my appointment for my new tattoo.  I was so excited and happy but a bit nervous for I heard the placement I chose is one of the most painful ones.  

My other 2 tattoos didn't hurt... it was more a discomfort than actual pain so I wasn't really ready for this experience.  It was 4 1/2 hours of intense pain followed for a week (and counting) of a swollen foot. 

It was a tough experience but even though I still can't wear normal shoes, it's itchy, swollen and shedding, I just ADORE it. 

The process is a bit strenuous, but this being my third tattoo (and first painful one) I can tell you, this is absolutely and 100% worth it.

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