Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Aniversary (17.4.0) and Some of My Firsts

Today is a very special day for me: it’s my wedding anniversary (4 years) and it’s also the anniversary for when we started dating, so we call it our how-long-we've-been-together-versary and the answer is 17 years.  
Yep, we've been together for 17 years, the same amount of years we had when we started dating and yes, we are high school sweethearts.

We met at our senior year in high school and we've been together since then.  It was also a Wednesday, October 21st 1998 when we became a couple. On that same day but on 2010, we got engaged and a year later in 2011, we got married, all on October 21st.

This is not us... it could be if we ever took our pictures.

 One thing I really love is that I shared with him a lot of firsts: my first Happy Meal, the first time I went trick or treating, the first time I went downtown to watch the Christmas lights and Santa booths, my first store-bought Halloween costume, my first zombie walk and so many others.

But not only that, I also finished high school, started and finished my Psychology studies, learnt to drive, moved out from my parent’s house to my own flat, adopted cats, wrote my first and subsequent movie and series scripts, planned for the zombie apocalypse and started and quitted smoking, all of these with him by my side.

I've been with him when he finished high school, when he started and finished his maths and communication studies, when he got his first job and all his promotions, when he moved out from his parent’s home to live with me, when his brother got married and through all the births of his nieces and nephews.

We've shared a lifetime together and I would love to share with him and only him rest of what I have left to live.
Thanks for being my best mate, the love of my life, the reason behind my smile and the best partner in crime I could have ever asked for. 

Thanks for sharing your time in this world with me. 

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