Sunday, 30 August 2015

I Love Food

I really, really love food. Good food that is.  And I'm not just talking about fancy restaurants and pricey meals... I mean all kinds of food: fancy, exotic, street food, home made...

Of course it shows how much I love eating... and how big my sweet tooth is.  I was obese Class I when I started a plan to better my overall health.

I started eating better, healthier, eventually I stopped smoking and started working out.

Today I'm down to be overweight on my way to normal (I hope).  I feel so much better without smoking and working out every morning. I can treat myself with something I'm craving or gong out for a nice dinner once a week and it's been a slow road, but yesterday finally someone said I look thinner!!!
It's been a very happy road... before this, I was standing in front of a cliff: for weeks I thought about killing myself, but instead (and I don't know why) I decided to go on a diet. After I started eating better I started to feel better, and then I started working out and quit smocking and my life turned around! I even found a job with a very very nice pay check.
Now I feel happy almost all the time,  I feel like there's a lot to be grateful about and I feel that I can do this.

Now I feel my capability to express my love for food is a bit diminished, but when I do get the chance to eat something decadent I make it count and enjoy it thoroughly.   And then I work out a bit.

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

A Great Treat

I started using planners since I college.  I love them!  my first planners were a bit simple: A monthly view, a weekly view and some other inserts like address book (which I relabelled so they could be subject dividers for my notes at school).
Each year I would buy the refills and write every aspect of my life on those pages.  Until digital planners had a boom and stores stopped selling refills and/or planners.

That was a very sad day for me and eventually I stopped using them trying to adapt this side of my (des)organization to the digital area... it never worked. 

Around April this year (2015) I was reorganizing my stationary "things" (a million post-its, pens, stickers, notebooks, etc.) when I found my old planner.  It had a 2001 calendar that was just half used (I bought another planner mid year) and still some od my school notes.  And suddenly, my planner love was renewed. 

I decided to make a Frankenplanner.  I used (a lot of) correction tape to erase the old dates and notes and changed it to become a 2015 planner.  I used it for about a month when I found out (searching for new planners somewhere in the world) that there was this huge community of planner lovers and all the products made for them.

I leant about the use of washi tape and other wonders to decorate the monthly and weekly pages, how to make your own dividers and different ways to colour code (I already did this, but new tips are always welcomed).

And then, The Search began.  Yes, The Search with capital letters.  I was looking for the Perfect Planner, only to find out it was like the Holy Grail, a lot of people are trying to find it, and it's not that easy.

So my quest was laid before me: find the Holy Grail Perfect Planner before the start of 2016.  I went through so many pages, blog posts, reviews, opinions and YouTube videos... Erin Condren, Filofax, and so many more. 

First off, what kind of planner do I want need? Answer: A 6 ring binder/Filofax planner.  I want to customize it end-to-end. 
Then, which ones have shipping to this forgotten 3rd world country I live in... Filofax doesn't. 

So after months of searching and reviewing and thinking, my quest is over!  I'm giving a chance to the beautiful and a bit expensive Kikki K.

I decided I for a 2016 Leather Time Planner Medium: Teal

Today I placed my order and will await for 5-10 business days for my planner to arrive.

I promise a full review as soon as I get it, but after I open it and check it... it's going back to a box until Christmas morning as a gift from me to me.

Now I have more experience decorating my planner with stickers and washi tape, stamps and post-its so I expect a beautiful and decorated 2016 in the pages of my Kikki K.

Let's see if next year I stick with this brand or I get another one.

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

The need to write.

I've always felt a need to write. I write how I feel, I write my plans, problems and wishes, I write everything down... usually on paper, I'm old school that way.

Today I felt the urge to write on a different platform, to broadcast my thoughts to the abyss of the internet and to share it with the world... if it wants to read them:

I have a split life.

For my colleagues at work, I'm just another girl working in the corporate world.  The can´t imagine what lies beneath my suit:  a colourful weird person that loves to be different, tattooed, filled with wanderlust, that wants to dye her hair violet or blue, who would give up in an instant all things corporate if she could live in a small farm surrounded by nature. They never guess that I love metal, folk music or old 70´s punk, that I love cooking and that I have 4 cats.  They know I'm married, but they can´t grasp how an amazing man he is... and they would never guess I'm bisexual.

For my friends, my job is something they don´t understand, and they know how much I hate it.

So... why this job? Well, first of all it´s not THIS job, which by the way I'm extremely thankful for.  Is this KIND of job: corporate, in an office in the financial environment... is just not me.

This type of work drains my energy and comes so unnatural to me, but it is a good salary and pays the bills.

On the other hand, if you ask me what I would LOVE to do (yes, L O V E with-all-capitals-kind-of-love) I just don´t know.

I would love to make films: write them, do make ups, act on them... but I also want to be a photographer, have a farm, host a radio show, work at an animal sanctuary or shelter, have a restaurant or pub, have a stationary shop, or own a book store.  I want to be a teacher and I want to write academic papers. I want to run a tattoo shop (even though I can´t tattoo) or do life, work and financial workshops for women in small indigenous communities.

So what do I do? I write.  I write about these crazy dreams hoping that one day they all become true.  I write them as a child writes a letter to Santa Clause, hoping to see a new life wrapped in shiny paper the next morning.

Maybe one day I'll be on the outside who I really am on the inside, I'm working on it.  I'm starting a road far from any road I've been, I'm on a journey to a better self, to be better, healthier, stronger and maybe then, Ill have the courage to do all those things without caring how much do I earn.